Who may volunteer?
Lawyers Alliance projects are ideal for business lawyers because they involve counsel and transactional work for mission-driven businesses. Our volunteers are attorneys admitted, or supervised by a senior level attorney admitted, to the New York Bar. They generally are employed by a law firm or by a corporate legal department with at least 20 attorneys.
Tell us about your skills, interests, and schedule. Call us or complete a brief on-line introduction form to join our volunteer network.
On-line introduction form: click here
What types of pro bono projects are available?
Nonprofit clients need attorneys to counsel them on a wide range of corporate, tax, real estate, employment, intellectual property, regulatory and other business law matters. View a representative list of legal services that you may be able to provide.
How do I find out about available cases?
We generally place legal work in two ways: Case Listings Newsletter and one-on-one conversations.
Case Listings Newsletter: We email a list of available cases to pro bono coordinators at volunteer institutions at least monthly. For more information, contact your firm or corporation's pro bono coordinator or call us.
aroth-dishy@lawyersalliance.org at (212) 219-1800 x 223.
Our Pro Bono Coordinator is happy to discuss available opportunities related to volunteers' programmatic interests or areas of expertise. Contact
How long will it take for me to get started?
Once we identify a suitable project, we will send you a file for review. You generally will have one week from file receipt to confirm that you are accepting the matter. The project commences upon final confirmation.
Read Lawyers Alliance's Whistleblower Policy.
Learn More About Lawyers Alliance
Lawyers | Our Pro Bono Program | Corporate Counsel | Become a Volunteer | Resources for Volunteers
Volunteer Recognition | Case Closing Volunteer Questionnaire | CLE Credit for Pro Bono | For Alumni | Exponentum