Lawyers Alliance for New York Publication List
Lawyers Alliance collects sales tax on publication sales as reflected in the prices below. To claim a sales tax exemption, nonprofits may e-mail their New York State sales tax exemption certificate to Lawyers Alliance at and, after establishing the exemption, order electronic publications at prices that exclude sales tax through e-mail by indicating the titles, quantity required, and a phone number so that we may complete the credit card transaction by phone.

Advising Nonprofits, Sixth Edition (PDF Version - Single User)
This edition of Lawyers Alliance's comprehensive guide to legal issues encountered by attorneys, staff, and board members in operating and managing not-for-profit corporations reflects changes made to the New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Law enacted by the Nonprofit Revitalization Act in late 2013. Key issues relating to corporate governance and structuring, contracts, regulatory compliance, fundraising, personnel management, lobbying and political activity, intellectual property, and revenue-generating activities are covered in the book. Preview the Table of Contents. Copyright 2014. 526 pages.
Advising Nonprofits is currently not available in bound hard copy. Lawyers Alliance is pleased to offer a $100 PDF version of Advising Nonprofits, including footnotes with website links, for the limited internal use of nonprofit organizations with budgets of less than $1.5 million or individuals. (Please see following entry for unlimited use site license PDF.)
By purchasing this PDF version of Advising Nonprofits, you hereby agree to this General License that governs its terms of use.
Advising Nonprofits, Sixth Edition (PDF Version - Site License)
This PDF version of Advising Nonprofits is designed for unlimited internal use by law firms, law school libraries, mid- and large-sized nonprofit organizations, and others.
By purchasing this PDF version of Advising Nonprofits, you hereby agree to this General License that governs its terms of use.

Building Successful Collaborations: A Legal Guide for Nonprofits
By collaborating, nonprofit organizations are able to draw upon outside expertise, expand geographic reach, and tap financial and personnel resources that are otherwise unavailable to them. This publication aims to provide nonprofit organizations with tools to make the collaboration process easy, effective and legally strong. Topics explored include: the collaborative arrangement, due diligence, the role of the board of directors, assessment of organizational risk, the negotiation process, an overview of the primary collaboration agreement, and the process of managing the collaboration. The guide also includes worksheets and sample agreements for your reference as your organization considers collaborations. Preview the table of contents and introductory chapter. Copyright 2007.

Bylaws That Work: A Manual for New York Nonprofits, Third Edition (Bound Hard Copy)
NEW! This manual helps not-for-profit corporations operating in New York prepare new or revised bylaws. The Third Edition has been updated to include: information on incorporating under New York or Delaware law; recent updates to the New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Law (N-PCL); and best practices for Boards operating in-person or virtually. The book contains a discussion of legal issues, questionnaires to assist those developing and amending bylaws, and sample documents for not-for-profit corporations with and without members. Topics include: corporate structure, directors and officers, membership, procedures for reviewing and amending bylaws, and other basic information commonly found in bylaws. Preview the Table of Contents. Copyright 2023, Third Edition. 147 pages.
Special Offer: 25% off the $100 per book purchase price of one or more hard copy(ies) of Bylaws That Work if purchased at the same time as an electronic PDF copy. Discounts will be applied automatically before the transaction is final.
Bylaws That Work: A Manual for New York Nonprofits, Third Edition (PDF Version - Single User)
Lawyers Alliance is pleased to offer a $100 PDF version of Bylaws That Work, including footnotes with website links, for the limited internal use of nonprofit organizations with budgets of less than $1.5 million or individuals. (Please see following entry for unlimited use site license PDF.)
By purchasing this PDF version of Bylaws That Work, you hereby agree to this General License that governs its terms of use.
Bylaws That Work: A Manual for New York Nonprofits, Third Edition (PDF Version - Site License)
This PDF version of Bylaws That Work is designed for unlimited internal use by law firms, law school libraries, mid- and large-sized nonprofit organizations, and others.
By purchasing this PDF version of Bylaws That Work, you hereby agree to this General License that governs its terms of use.

Changing The Name of a New York Not-for-Profit Corporation, Fifth Edition (Bound Hard Copy)
This manual is a step-by-step primer on how to change the name of a not-for-profit corporation in New York. Prepared by Lawyers Alliance staff, it is useful for non-lawyers and lawyers who are handling the name change process. It includes model forms. Copyright 2017. 53 pages.
Special Offer: 20% off the $20 per book purchase price of one or more hard copy(ies) of Changing the Name if purchased at the same time as an electronic PDF copy. Discounts will be applied automatically before the transaction is final.
Changing The Name of a New York Not-for-Profit Corporation, Fifth Edition (PDF Version - Single User)
Lawyers Alliance is pleased to offer a $20 PDF version of Changing the Name, including website links, for the limited internal use of nonprofit organizations with budgets of less than $1.5 million or individuals. (Please see following entry for unlimited use site license PDF.)
By purchasing this PDF version of Changing the Name, you hereby agree to this General License that governs its terms of use.
Changing The Name of a New York Not-for-Profit Corporation, Fifth Edition (PDF Version - Site License)
This PDF version of Changing the Name is designed for unlimited internal use by law firms, law school libraries, mid- and large-sized nonprofit organizations, and others.
By purchasing this PDF version of Changing the Name, you hereby agree to this General License that governs its terms of use.

Charting the Course: Legal Help for Nonprofits in Troubled Times - Full Report (Bound Hard Copy)
There are a limited number of hard copies available. Many topics covered in this 2012 publication are relevant in 2023/2024.
This report provides proven business and legal strategies to help nonprofit leaders and board members meet the continuing challenges posed in a weak or uncertain economy. Nonprofit organizations are coping with increased demand for their services as funding remains precarious. Despite an unpredictable financial outlook, there are multiple strategies and best practices that nonprofits can pursue to minimize risks, sustain and enhance their programs, maximize their resources, and better position themselves to carry forth their charitable missions. The report focuses on five key areas: mission, people, facilities, funds, and relationships. It includes a detailed analysis and hypothetical examples of when and how legal assistance can make a positive difference. It also recommends public policies to support nonprofit advocacy, rationalize government contracting, simplify regulatory reviews, and increase access to working capital. Preview the table of contents and introduction. Copyright 2012. 146 pages, plus Executive Summary.
Charting the Course: Legal Help for Nonprofits in Troubled Times - Full Report (PDF Version)
Lawyers Alliance is pleased to offer a PDF version of Charting the Course, including footnotes with website links, for the limited internal use of purchasers for $35. Please allow two business days for Lawyers Alliance to process the PDF order. Use the Order Online or Order by Mail or Fax buttons below.
Thanks to the generosity of New York's philanthropic community, Lawyers Alliance is also making a free PDF copy of Charting the Course, including footnotes with website links, to nonprofit organizations facing financial difficulties that request a fee waiver. To request a copy for your nonprofit organization's limited internal use, send your and your organization's name, mail and email address, and phone number to with "Charting Fee Waiver Request" in the subject line. Do not use the buttons below.
By purchasing or requesting a fee waiver for the PDF version of Charting the Course, you hereby agree to this General License that governs its terms of use.
Charting the Course: Legal Help for Nonprofits in Troubled Times -- Executive Summary
*FREE* This Executive Summary identifies the primary themes and proven strategies discussed in the full report, Charting the Course. Despite an unpredictable financial outlook, there are multiple strategies and best practices that nonprofits can pursue to minimize risks, sustain and enhance their programs, maximize their resources, and better position themselves to carry forth their charitable missions. Charting the Course focuses on strengthening five key areas: mission, people, facilities, funds, and relationships. It also recommends public policies to support nonprofit advocacy, rationalize government contracting, simplify regulatory reviews, and increase access to working capital. Copyright 2012. 25 pages.
Available as a free download; add to cart by clicking "Buy Now Online" to receive the link.

Disaster Relief and Recovery: The Role of Nonprofits Beyond Ground Zero and the Legal Implications of Their Work
*FREE* This white paper discusses the broad range of problems and human needs created or intensified by the September 11 attacks, particularly in New York's low-income and disadvantaged communities, and the important role of nonprofit organizations in responding to them. It also examines some of the key legal issues that nonprofit disaster relief organizations faced after September 11. Copyright 2003.
Available as a free download; add to cart by clicking "Buy Now Online" to receive the link.

Getting Organized, Sixth Edition (Bound Hard Copy)
This manual is a guide for nonprofit managers and attorneys representing organizations that seek to incorporate and secure recognition of tax-exempt status. Since publication of the last edition of Getting Organized, there have been significant legal and practical developments in state and federal law related to nonprofit organizations and tax-exempt organizations. The Nonprofit Revitalization Act provides significant changes to the New York Not-for-Profit Corporation Law (N-PCL) that strengthens corporate governance and nonprofit accountability, modernizes certain aspects of the N-PCL, and eliminates some administrative and procedural burdens. This edition contains step-by-step instructions with legal commentary and extensive Appendices with sample forms and resources. Preview the Table of Contents. Copyright 2015, Sixth Edition. 327 pages.
Special Offer: 20% off the $100 per book purchase price of one or more hard copy(ies) of Getting Organized if purchased at the same time as an electronic PDF copy. Discounts will be applied automatically before the transaction is final.
Getting Organized, Sixth Edition (PDF Version - Single User)
Lawyers Alliance is pleased to offer a $100 PDF version of Getting Organized, including footnotes with website links, for the limited internal use of nonprofit organizations with budgets of less than $1.5 million or individuals. (Please see following entry for unlimited use site license PDF.)
By purchasing this PDF version of Getting Organized, you hereby agree to this General License that governs its terms of use.
Getting Organized, Sixth Edition (PDF Version - Site License)
This PDF version of Getting Organized is designed for unlimited internal use by law firms, law school libraries, mid- and large-sized nonprofit organizations, and others.
By purchasing this PDF version of Getting Organized, you hereby agree to this General License that governs its terms of use.

The Volunteer Workforce: Legal Issues and Best Practices for Nonprofits
This publication is aimed at nonprofits working with volunteers and other unpaid staff. Legal topics include: distinctions between volunteers and employees, reference and background checks, expense reimbursement and stipends, setting up and managing volunteer relationships, understanding and managing liability risks, and working with young volunteers. Preview the table of contents and introductory chapter. Copyright 2007.
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