Your support enables Lawyers Alliance for New York to build a better future for communities in need.
We leverage contributions to Lawyers Alliance many fold by engaging a network of volunteer attorneys to help nonprofits and social enterprises. In turn, these organizations are better able to serve countless individuals in need. One year after case completion, 96% of reporting clients had positive outcomes as a result of Lawyers Alliance's legal services. Of those reporting positive outcomes:
- 96% improved staff or Board operations
- 75% expanded or preserved programming
- 69% enhanced or stabilized financial performance
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Read about our supporters.
"Lawyers Alliance's pro bono legal services allow nonprofits to operate with confidence and focus on helping their communities thrive during these uncertain times. This work is made possible by the financial support that we receive from our generous donors. We hope that you will join us in supporting Lawyers Alliance and the nonprofits that we serve."
Jeanine C. D. DeFreese
Former Lawyers Alliance Board Chair
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