Resources for Nonprofits

Lawyers Alliance offers several resources to help nonprofits understand legal and regulatory issues, reduce the risk of liability, and be accountable. They include:

Publications and news alerts: Advising Nonprofits, Bylaws That Work, Getting Organized, Changing the Name of a New York Not-for-Profit Corporation, and our other publications are designed for non-lawyers and are available for purchase online. Our legal alerts inform nonprofits about pertinent legal developments affecting nonprofits.

Workshops: Our workshops, seminars, and webinars are open to nonprofit managers, board members, and others involved in running the day-to-day activities of community-based and nonprofit organizations. Click here for a list of recent and upcoming workshops and registration information. We also offer recorded webinars.

Resource Calls: Our staff members provide information through our Resource Call Hotline. Nonprofit managers, board members, attorneys representing them, and members of the public may call or e-mail with questions. This service is free.

Co-counseling support: This resource is only available to clients. For each matter placed with a volunteer attorney, a Lawyers Alliance staff attorney serves as co-counsel to answer questions and address concerns related to the pro bono relationship.

Other useful links for nonprofits

Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Legal Referral Service:


Guidestar for Nonprofits:

Internal Revenue Service:

New York State Department of Labor:

Office of the Attorney General, Charities Bureau:

New York State Department of State (Secretary of State's Office):

Nonprofit New York:

Nonprofit Risk Management Center:

Probono Partnership: