Lawyers Alliance is pleased to coordinate Exponentum, a national network of business law pro bono providers dedicated to improving the quality of life in low-income and disadvantaged communities by expanding the availability and quality of pro bono business legal services for nonprofits that serve those communities. Exponentum partners with law firms and corporations to implement national responses to challenges faced by the nonprofit sector by delivering expert legal assistance and educational programs to nonprofits.
Exponentum is a collaboration of pro bono providers that serve geographic regions throughout the United States, including major metropolitan and surrounding areas in California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington D.C., and Washington State. Members share a goal of making nonprofits more effective in serving their communities. 2025 members are:
Bay Area Legal Services, Inc.
Communities Rise
Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights
D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center
Lawyers Alliance for New York
Lawyers Clearinghouse
Michigan Community Resources
Philadelphia VIP
Pro Bono Partnership
Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta
Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio
Public Counsel
San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program
Texas C-Bar
The Justice & Diversity Center (JDC) of the Bar Association of San Francisco
Read about Exponentum's 2023 National Day of Service.
Read our press release announcing Exponentum's launch.
Educational Materials
Exponentum is pleased to share expert legal advice and educational programs for nonprofits. If your organization is seeking other legal advice, please see the Exponentum member list above for the organization in your area.
Preparing for a Nonprofit Governance and Legal Compliance Assessment (Exponentum, Jan. 2022)
Webinar: Financial Management and Reporting for Nonprofits (Lawyers Alliance for New York & FMA, 2019)
Podcast: Corporate Governance Assessment (Exponentum, 2018)
Part I: Corporate Structure and Core Organizational Documents
Part III: Finances and Fiscal Management
Part IV: Operational Policies and Best Practices
Corporate Governance Assessment Tool (Exponentum, 2018)
Webinar: When Immigration Officials Come Knocking at Work (Jackson Lewis P.C., 2017)
For further information, contact Lawyers Alliance Program and Strategy Director Laren E. Spirer at (212) 219-1800 ext. 234,