Calendar of Events
Webinars for Wise Nonprofits: Data Privacy and Security for Nonprofits: Part I (Data Privacy)
A number of states have expanded their privacy and security protections over the past two years, and more are poised to do so—to say nothing of the growing prospects for federal privacy legislation. Nonprofits are not entirely immune to these data privacy risks and have to navigate the evolving patchwork of data privacy laws and regulations. This program will provide a timely update on the various privacy laws and their impact on organizational imperatives.
Learning objectives: Participants will gain an understanding of relevant data privacy laws and come away with practical advice for protecting both its data and the clients it serves. We will:
- Provide an overview of current privacy laws and their key similarities and differences
- Review privacy developments in Washington and in NY and elsewhere with bills in progress
- Outline the significance of understanding the compliance components of state privacy laws regardless of whether your organization has a presence within the state
- Provide key considerations for organizations as they navigate the privacy landscape
This webinar is one in a two-part series related to data privacy and security.
Cost: Free
Presenters: Scott Lashway, Co-Leader of Privacy and Data Security Practice, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips; and Ciarra Chavarria, Staff Attorney
For executive directors, senior management, and staff.